
Reduce sickness absences by 20 - 60% with Aino's modular and global Work Ability Management Platform for private companies and public organisations

Features Basic Pro
Alarms and notifications for managing short- and long-term sick leave
Discussion templates for early support and return to work process
Built-in guidance for managers: early support and rehabilitation process
Action plan with recommendations
Secure messaging and archiving
Overview and follow-up of sick leave management
Quality control of case management and documentation
Statistics and analytics
Authentication via SSO
User roles: employee, managers, top management, HR, payroll, HSE-specialist
Data security and privacy compliant with GDPR
Integration of absence and personnel data
Absence registration -
First-day certificate process -
Sickness absence root cause analytics -
Sickness absence % calculation based on actual hours worked -
Rehabilitation case management -
Authentication with BankID -
Add on modules sold per piece    
Age inclusive management
Regulatory health checks for exposed workers
Exposures to biological agents at work
Customized processes in the system
Abuse program: documentation and follow-up
Ergonomic risk assessment checklists
Development discussion
Wellbeing survey
E-learning: work ability management
Service provider/3rd party connection
OHC, wellbeing service provider or other stakeholder as users in the system
System integration to OHC, wellbeing service provider or other stakeholder
Export of data to payroll system
Export of data to customer analytics environment