Wellbeing services

On this site you will find information about Konecranes' wellbeing functions.
More information about current and future activities in the wellbeing yearclock and in links right side of front page.

Wellbeing yearclock


Functions for spring 2024

The dates and registration instructions for the spring 2024 activities will be displayed in the year clock. Follow the situation and register!


Health counseling chat

You can contact our experts in health related matters via ”Terveysneuvonta Chat” -window – the service time is 9-15 on weekdays! (Note that the window will open only during the service hours)
The chat questions are answered by our Health Desk specialists. Please note that the service is anonymous, absences by own notice are still reported by calling the service number!


Mind support service – Auntie

Auntie is an easy-access wellbeing service online that supports you in coping with everyday issues before they become overwhelming. The service includes 5 personal video meetings with professional.
Clik text and watch a demo video of the service.
If you would like to participate, send email to: hannu.jokela@ainohealth.com,(note! identification is not passed on to the employer, but do not include your health or personal information in the message). You will receive a registration link in your e-mail and you will be able to choose the service package that suits your needs.


From walk to run- beginners run start: Guidance, how to start jogging/running training!

Hyvinkää 25.4. at 16:30-18:00. Meeting at Sveitsi swimminghall parkinglot: Teerimäenkatu 6, 05900 Hyvinkää.

Espoo 29.4. at 16:30-18:00. Meeting at Otaniemi Sports park: Otaranta 6, 02150 Espoo

Hämeenlinna 13.6 at 16:30-18:00. Meeting at Konecranes reception: Ruununmyllyntie 13, 13210 Hämeenlinna

Registrate here.
Choose ”Wellbeing functions Konecranes”, function, time and fill information. (More information in functions ”INFO”).


Ergonomic tips for working from home!

Click here to watch recording