At Aino we are already looking forward to Almedalsveckan in Visby this summer. Who else is going and who wants to share the stage with us?

To create sustainable workplaces is becoming a priority to more and more stakeholders and at Aino we can really understand why. Our experience from more than 25 years of supporting private and public organizations tells us that maximum concern for the well-being of each employee is the profitability project where everyone wins.

In Sweden and all over Europe, changes in work life conditions (both forced and voluntary) are causing more and more attention. Private companies are now fully experiencing the pressure of global competition, especially in manufacturing, service and logistics. Across the EU, the question now is what we can do to save millions of European jobs. We’ve already tried pushing employees harder and it won’t get us where we want to go. To remain calm and make good decisions, we need to understand more about each individual employee, we need to use existing data, systematically and in real time. By doing so, we can learn how employees in the company are actually doing (and feeling) and can offer the right kind of help and support at the right time.

By investing in preventive support for employees and creating a sustainable culture, companies become more stable, increase their profits and strengthen their employer branding. For c-level and the board, this means that reduced sickness absence creates increased profitability. For managers in production, this means that they can actually do their job satisfactorily. Last but certainly not least, it means that the employee feels more secure and included, a greater work life quality and thus a better life in general. Caring creates profitability and everyone wins.

As Aino returns to Almedalsveckan, we look forward to continuing discussions and pushing for greater ambitions. We will act responsibly as we have always done, together with other wise forces, for the development of a sustainable working life that also boosts stability and profitability.

See you in Visby!
CEO Jyrki Eklund and the entire Aino team!

Almedalsveckan 2023

June 27 – July 1

As a member of the sustainability platform CSR Sweden, Aino is, among other things, part of leading the new knowledge hub “The sustainable and healthy working life”

Members of CSR Sweden

Vattenfall – Eon –  Postnord – Tieto Evry – IBM – Svenska Spel – LKAB – SAS – Skellefteå Kraft – Sodexo – Löfbergs – Aino – Edisen – Vinge

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