Yet another public organization has chosen Aino’s SaaS platform. As part of a comprehensive strategy to be more socially sustainable,…
Interim report January – June 2024
This document in English is a translation of the original in Swedish. In case of any discrepancy, the Swedish original…
City of Savonlinna has chosen Aino’s SaaS platform
Yet another Finnish public organization, the City of Savonlinna, has chosen Aino’s SaaS platform. As part of a strong initiative…
Finnish municipality has chosen Aino
Yet another Finnish municipality, Siilinjärvi, has chosen Aino’s SaaS platform to be more socially sustainable and to achieve the operational…
One of Europe’s largest port-infrastructure companies implements Aino Health’s SaaS-solution
One of Europe’s largest port-infrastructure companies implements Aino Health’s SaaS-solution for 850 employees, to be socially sustainable and to strengthen…
Steveco Oy implementerar Aino Healths SaaS-lösning för 800 anställda
Steveco Oy implementerar Aino Healths SaaS-lösning för 800 anställda, för att bli mer socialt hållbara och för att vidareutveckla positionen…
Steveco Oy implements Aino Health’s SaaS-solution for 800 employees
Steveco Oy implements Aino Health’s SaaS-solution for 800 employees, to be more socially sustainable and to further develop the position…
Aino Health year-end report January-December 2023
This document in English is a translation of the original in Swedish. In case of any discrepancy, the Swedish original…
Mastering ESRS reporting for a healthier workforce
In the dynamic world of corporate stewardship, the focus on employee sustainability is increasingly becoming a pivotal aspect. Understanding the…
Revolutionizing CSRD Reporting: Elevating S2 Social Sustainability Through Employee Sustainability
Revolutionizing CSRD Reporting: Elevating S2 Social Sustainability Through Employee Sustainability In the dynamic landscape of corporate social responsibility and disclosure…
Pohjois-Savo’s Innovative Blueprint for Workplace Well-being and Cultural Integration
The Challenge of Cultural Cohesion At the heart of Pohjois-Savo’s transformation lies the challenge of unifying nineteen diverse municipal cultures….
Aino celebrates a monumental milestone: 100,000 employees!
Aino celebrates a monumental milestone: 100,000 employees! At Aino, we’ve always been driven by a singular vision: to ensure organizational…
Embracing ESG: A Comprehensive Guide to Employee Sustainability
At Aino Health, we are steadfastly committed to creating a sustainable workplace culture, fostering employee engagement, and reducing absence rates….
Aino’s Impact: Insights from Centric
At Aino, we believe in the power of human capital and the importance of employee sustainability. We recently had the…
Aino Health delårsrapport Januari-Mars 2023
Stark licenstillväxt, Ökad omsättning, Förbättrat resultat, Förbättrat operativt kassaflöde • Omsättningen uppgick till 6 180 (5 424) TSEK• Resultatet efter finansiella…
Aino Health interim report January-march 2023
Strong license growth, Increased net sales, Improved results, Improved operative cash flow January–March 2023 • Net sales were KSEK 6,180 (5,424) • Profit/loss…