When the crisis suddenly hits, most organizations have plans in place for how to secure production, take care of their customers and how to take care of the employees when the crisis strike, but not everyone have planned for how to best take care of their employees during the ongoing crises or how to best act when it starts to slow down and everything goes back to normal.

In this webinar we talk to David Daoud, Head of Consultant Management at Centric Sweden, about how they have acted during the COVID-19 pandemic and how they will handle it going forward.

We will also talk about how we at Aino Health can support companies during a crisis, as well as when returning to work after a crisis.

The webinar is unfortunately only in Swedish. So, if you’re not a Swedish speaker, but would like to know more of how we can help your organization, don’t hesitate to contact us!

Dag: 26 August, 2020
Tid: 13.30-14.15 CEST

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